Économisez sur les principales attractions de Chicago
Quelle que soit la formule que vous choisissez, vous adorerez voyager avec les tickets CityPASS®.
Le meilleur pour un
séjour plus court
Meilleure valeur et
Notre meilleure vente
Valable pendant 9 jours consécutifs, y compris le premier jour d'utilisation.
L'entrée unique est incluse, sauf indication contraire. L'entrée peut varier selon le type de billet. Voir les différences.
Lisez les avis des voyageurs CityPASS®.
Chicago CityPASS & Chicago C3
Des vacances avec une famille de cinq personnes
Nous avons désormais acheté le CityPASS pour trois villes : le sud de la Californie, New York et maintenant Chicago. Nous sommes une famille de cinq personnes et ça facilite tellement l'organisation en la rendant si abordable !! Sans parler du fait de ne pas faire la queue debout pour les billets !!!CityPASS Chicago
Le CityPASS était la solution idéale pour préparer notre séjour à Chicago. J'ai pu montrer à ma fille les endroits que je préfère ainsi que quelques autres. Le CityPASS nous a permis de faire des économies et, cerise sur le gâteau, d'éviter la file d'attente !Une merveilleuse semaine à Chicago !
Après avoir fait de nombreuses recherches sur le CityPASS et les autres cartes d'entrée de groupe du même type, je savais que je devais me procurer le CityPASS. Le CityPASS Chicago vous permet d'accéder à cinq des principaux sites touristiques - dans des conditions d'entrée améliorées !Très bon prix
Ma famille est venue nous rendre visite de Colombie. C'était la première fois qu'ils venaient aux États-Unis et je voulais leur garantir des vacances au-delà de leurs espérances. Lorsque j'ai trouvé le CityPASS Chicago en ligne, j'ai su que c'était exactement ce qu'il me fallait pour rendre leur voyage mémorable.CityPASS a sauvé mes vacances et mon mariage
Nous avons récemment utilisé le Chicago CityPASS, et cette utilisation nous a permis de sauver non seulement nos vacances, mais aussi notre mariage. Mon mari et moi avions l’habitude de nous disputer sur la direction à prendre et sur la conduite à tenir. Le CityPASS a été facile à utiliser, a fourni des informations précises et a offert des réductions.
Chicago CityPASS is rated
out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Mariana Moller from
I bought the CityPass and it was the best thing to do. Im so happy
Date published: 2025-01-15
Rated 5 out of
Had A Ball from
Made this worth it and had a great time!
My partner grew up in the Chicago suburbs and it was my first time visiting the city. We had a limited amount of time and debated getting the pass because we needed to visit four of the five options for it to be worth the cost. We ended up getting the pass and visited the Planetarium, Aquarium, Art Institute, and Field Museum and had an absolute ball. Really loved having the option that made planning and visiting hassle-free. Can't wait to visit again and see the exhibits we weren't able to on this trip!
Date published: 2025-01-13
Rated 5 out of
The WorldWide Traveler from
Absolutely LOVED the CityPass !!!!!!!
I absolutely loved CityPass !!! I was figuring up myself what would be cheaper …. Paying on my own or using CityPass. Best purchase I made going to chicago. No lines, no reservations. It was great. If we don’t feel good one day we just went another. Was there for a week so it was more than worth the money. I will definitely use again. Give CityPass a try …. You won’t be disappointed. !!!
Date published: 2025-01-13
Rated 5 out of
Don't have one from
Very valuable Buy!
CityPASS was great, have all this opportunities in advance and with "save the line'" in most attarctions. A great Buy!
Date published: 2025-01-12
Rated 5 out of
PeErre787 from
Great Way To See The City
1st time using the CityPASS. Excellent way of seeing the city. With many attractions to choose from, there's always something to do during the trip.
Date published: 2025-01-12
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
CityPASS was the best thing I could’ve have purchased saved me lots of time and was super easy!
Date published: 2025-01-11
Rated 5 out of
Mark from
Great value, well organized!
It was so convenient and we were surprised by all the perks!
Date published: 2025-01-11
Rated 3 out of
Jack from
Not what I thought
From prior visits to the City I believed the Pass would get us into attractions without reservations. I was wrong. Could not get into Shedd Aquarium in the short period we were there. The main reason I bought the ticket was for that reason. Would not buy again.
Date published: 2025-01-09
Rated 5 out of
Big jon! from
Great way to get right into all the attractions
The city pass worked great in Chicago! We were able to book out adventures and book our reservation times for all the sites we wanted to see! This saved us hundreds of dollars and we were able to skip the ticket lines and go right in. Super easy to navigate and when we had a question they were very helpful. Best way to explore the city!
Date published: 2025-01-09
Rated 3 out of
Mariano from
Not so well
Compré el citypass y no pude hacer la última atracción q era el Skydek, porque cuando fui me dijeron q no se podía subir por el clima, y ya no pude reprogramar porque al otro día temprano, tenía q tomar el avión de regreso. Me hubiese convenido sacar cada atracción por separado.
Date published: 2025-01-08